Plant Know-How: Aglaonema 'Lady Valentine'

Light: While Aglaonema is often included on lists of low light tolerant plants, you'll want to keep Agloanema 'Lady Valentine' in medium to bright indirect light. This cultivar requires brighter light to maintain its pink color. Generally the brighter the light your plant gets the deeper pink the color will be. Be careful to keep the leaves from any direct sun, as they will burn.
Water: Allow about half of the soil to dry before watering again. When you are watering make sure that the soil is fully saturated and allowed to flow from the drainage holes to ensure your plant is properly hydrated. Often times multiple plants are potted together in a single pot to create a fuller look. Fully saturating your soil ensures that all the plants in the pot are getting equally watered.
Did you know? If your Aglaonema 'Lady Valentine' is grown in very low light it wont only lose its signature pink color it can also drop leaves and grow tall and sparse. To ensure a full, bushier plant make sure to keep your plant in a brighter spot!
Ready to add some pink to your indoor jungle? We have 4" and 6" sizes available on our website for curb side pick up and local delivery!