Plant Know-How: Aphelandra squarrosa

Light: Aphelandra squarrosa does best in bright indirect light. It can be grown in medium indirect light but it may not flower.
Water: Aphelandra squarrosa is a plant that doesn't ever want to go completely dry. Water your plant when about 1/3 of the soil has gone dry. Like we mentioned before Aphelandra squarrosa needs higher humidity to thrive. Place your Aphelandra squarrosa near a humidifier or in a bright bathroom to achieve higher humidity.
Did you know? Aphelandra squarrosa has more going for it than just its beautiful leaves. If grown in bright indirect light your Aphelandra squarrosa will eventually produce bracts of bright yellow flowers! In fact many of our plants in store now are getting ready to bloom!
Want to try out one of these stripey plants! We have Aphelandra squarrosa available in-store!