Plant Know-How: Dracaena reflexa

Dracaena has been a genus long loved as a houseplant. One of our favorites of the genus is Dracaena reflexa. We love them for their ease of care and ability to thrive in a variety of conditions. Over time these plants can grow to be small trees, and develop interesting shapes as they mature.

Light: Dracaena reflexa does best in medium to bright indirect light. These hardy plants can be grown in lower light conditions, but will not mature as quickly.
Water: Allow your Dracaena reflexa to go completely dry in-between watering. The frequency that you water will be dependent on the amount of light your plant is getting. Remember, if your Dracaena reflexa is getting lower light you will be watering less frequently than if your plant is getting bright indirect light.
Did you know? One of the common names for Dracaena is a Dragon Tree!
Think you want to add Dracaena reflexa to your indoor jungle? We have 4" sizes available on our website for curbside pick up and local delivery!