Plant Know-How: Ficus altissima

Ficus altissima is the cool new plant on the scene. Growing upwards of six feet indoors, this cousin of the Rubber Tree is a striking plant in any space. Ficus can sometimes be a tricky genera to keep indoors so we’ve got some tips to keeps your Ficus altissima as happy as can be!

Light: Ficus altissima does best in bright, indirect light. Keep out of direct light as leaves will burn.
Water: Soil should be allowed to dry about halfway before watering. If soil is allowed to stay too moist Ficus altissima may drop leaves.
Did you know? In the wild Ficus altissima can grow to almost 100 feet!
Want to bring home one of these striking plants? We have 8” sizes available on our website for curb side pickup and local delivery!