Plant Know-How: Ficus lyrata

Light: Ficus lyrata needs bright indirect light. Ficus in general is a genus that really needs a lot of bright indirect light to thrive. Your Ficus lyrata may grow in medium indirect light but it will not grow as fast and the lower light conditions may lead to a weaker plant that is more susceptible to pests such as spider mites.
Water: Ficus lyrata wants to go almost completely dry in-between watering. If your Ficus lyrata, or any other member of the genus, is dropping leaves there's a good chance your plant is staying wet for too long. If your plant is being grown in bright indirect light you may need to water once a week, but always be sure to check your soil before you water. When you do water, water deeply and be sure to water evenly.
Did you know? If your brand new Ficus lyrata begins to drop leaves once you bring it home, don't freak out! Ficus lyrata is not a fan of big changes, and moving from a green house with bright light and high humidity to your darker, dryer home is a big change for it! Give it some time and it should adjust! A great way to ensure a long life with your Ficus lyrata is to start small. Smaller, younger plants (think 4" or 6") have an easier time acclimating to your home and will be able to grow and thrive in your home conditions easier!