Plant Know-How: Hoya curtisii

Light: Hoya curtisii, like most Hoya, does best in bright indirect light. When grown in bright indirect light you have a higher chance of your plant blooming along with your plant developing purple or red-ish backs to its leaves. You can grow Hoya curtisii in medium indirect light but it will never produce these things.
Water: Allow your Hoya curtisii to go about 3/4 of the way dry before watering. Allowing Hoya to go too dry for too long can lead to roots dying off, so don't let your Hoya get too thirsty! Whenever you water make sure you are giving a thorough drink and fully saturating all of the soil. Hoya curtisii is a Hoya that appreciates a little bit of added humidity as well. Place it near a humidifier or in a bright bathroom to help keep humidity high!
Did you know? The flowers of Hoya curtisii have a lovely, lemony fragrance!