Plant Know-How: Nepenthes alata

Nepenthes alata is possibly one of the most interesting plants you can keep in your home. Known for their insectivore diet, these little plants will help to keep any fungus gnat population to a minimum.
Light: Nepenthes alata will do best with morning direct sun and bright indirect light in the afternoon.
Water: Never allow your Nepenthes alata to dry out completely. Water when the top 1-2” are dry. Distilled water is best for any carnivorous plant, since they are particularly sensitive to the mineral salts in tap water. It’s important to make sure the pitchers of your Nepenthes alata are always about half full of water. If they are allowed to go dry they will shrivel and eventually drop. These plants will also benefit from some added humidity.
Did you know? Nepenthes alata attract insects to their pitchers, and once inside the insects are unable to escape. They’re eventually dissolved by an enzyme produced by the plant, and the nutrients are absorbed!