Plant Know-How: Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Light: ZZ Plants are known for being tolerant of low light conditions. Even though this plant can live in lower light areas it still needs some light, you don't want to keep it in a windowless room! Your ZZ Plant will do well in a range of lighting conditions, from low to bright indirect light.
Water: You should allow your ZZ Plant to go completely dry in-between watering. If you're unsure if you should water, wait a week, your plant will be just fine! How often you water will correspond to how much light your plant gets. Plants grown in lower light areas will need to be watered less frequently than plants grown in bright indirect light.
Did you know? ZZ Plants are Aroids, like many other tropical houseplants such as Monstera and Philodendron!
Want to add this easy going, rewarding plant into your home? We have Zamioculcas zamiifolia available in-store!